Arctic Wednesdays 2024: Week 4 Pre-Trip Blog

 Jan 2nd, 2024

Pre-Trip Blog!

Aimee Reutzel 

Trip date- 2/21

The holiday chaos has ended so my trip is starting to feel real and I am getting more and more excited! I can not wait to skype into my classroom to talk to my students with one of the fantastic climatologists that work at the top! I have set up all the details to get my class covered by another teacher with tech skills and set out the in school field trip forms so both sections of AP Environmental students will be able to join in on the conversation. I love to give my students as much exposure to real world careers connected to our curriculum as possible and this opportunity is the best I could ever think of! 

Outside the classroom opportunities are where students learn best through information. I have seen such an improvement in engagement, connections made, and project output since starting to implement outside sources for learning. My students have already had opportunities to participate in conversations with 4 other experts in STEAM fields including CT DEEP Stormwater management, First Light Hydropower, and Aquarion Water Company. Given these expert times, I have seen students' engagement increase and start to develop a liking for something in connection to our class that really interests them. This opportunity for students to skype in to speak with a climate specialist working on the top of Mt. Washington is going to be so fun! Seeing the location, the equipment and the other scientist working on collecting real time data that we are using to solve climate change gives students such a perspective that they can someday be there! 

I am looking forward to learning as much as I can on this trip. Climate change is impacting everyone and things in our current lives. Students are going to be living their entire lives dealing with outcomes from actions of past generations. Preparing students in school to be a positive change for the environment is crucial for the future. I am so excited to participate in this year's Arctic Wednesday program! 


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